We are again on the farm in the village of Osoitsa, owned by Lactan. Two years ago we introduced you to one of the brothers – Daniel Georgiev and the veterinarian – Dr. Maria Atanasova / see here /. Today the reason for our meeting with the other brother, co-owner, Anatoli Georgiev is more special, namely awarding, with two indicators – an honorary award for the herd Montbeliard with the highest average milk productivity for 305-day lactation and an award for the most dairy cow Montbeliard. The achieved average of 9169 kg of milk in the herd for 2020 and the result of the cow Angelina – 12834 kg are really respectful in our country, especially since it is an organic certified product, for which there are a number of restrictions!

 We used this joyful occasion to talk to Anatoli, who over a cup of coffee, despite the sub-zero temperatures, was kind enough to answer our questions.

 – Hello, introduce yourself in a few words.

– My name is Anatoli Georgiev and I am the manager of the company “Lactan”, which is the owner of the cattle farm in the village of Osoitsa. I am 52 years old. Since 1994 I have been engaged in cattle and plant breeding. Before that, my business was restaurant business, and farming was something like a hobby, ancillary… Gradually, however, it became our main activity.

– The reason we are here today are the high results achieved. Your herd is not a champion in our country for the first time, but this year we will leave both awards here… From the point of view of time and experience, what do you think is the reason for these excellent results?

– Perseverance and perseverance. To the dedication of Dr. Maria Atanasova, who has been managing the farm directly for more than 10 years. Her care and timely intervention in any problem that arises, her vision for the future, as well as her great love for animals are in fact the basis for us to react adequately in every situation and to make the right decisions in the long run.

She knows the herd and each animal individually, and there are more than 150 of them at the moment. Monitors the timely insemination, the selection of the correct bulls for insemination, the timely prevention, as well as any specific needs of the animals. In combination with her efforts, we consult with experts on proper nutrition in individual groups, and all this together is of great importance for the results achieved.

– You are certified as organic producers, which greatly limits you in terms of food and supplements used. However, you are always among the leaders in average milk lactation for the Montbeliard breed. Is it worth the effort and deprivation to be an organic producer in the end?

– The only reason we do it is our desire to produce clean and quality products. Is it worth it and is it valued – definitely not! Bureaucratic obligations and constant control are a huge commitment. We have inspections every 2-3 months.

– How do you sell raw organic milk?

– At the moment we are not processing it ourselves. We sell raw organic milk to processors with a license for organic production. Of course, its price is higher than other non-certified products.

– Do you plan to build your own dairy in which to produce products that meet your quality standards?

– Our project has already been approved and we have a contract with the Agriculture Fund under Ordinance 26 for a dairy with a small capacity for organic products.

– Has the Bulgarian consumer learned to appreciate healthy food?

– Before the Pavid 19 pandemic, which undoubtedly affected every business, the results were very good. People were very interested in clean foods with proven origins and the market for organic products was developing very dynamically, despite their higher price.

There is currently a huge drop in this demand. We even process a part of the production to order in a certified organic dairy, and we have to sell the final products. It is very difficult! Whether through large chains or small shops it is very difficult at the moment!

– Wouldn’t it be better to sell in your own retail outlets?

– Yes, but this will further complicate matters and will require additional investment, which at this time is not justified as a risk. Dairies are increasingly complaining that they are overwhelmed with products they cannot sell. They slow down payments and this affects everyone in the chain.

– In this regard, what do you plan to do with the implementation of the dairy project?

– We will delay it for the moment by one year. We have to wait to see how the situation will develop and then we will decide if and how we will move the project forward.

– With your many years of experience, do you think the State has evolved over the years as a patron of business?

– In my opinion, things have been stuck in a vicious circle for years and are turning in the same direction. I do not see a significant change and everyone survives as best they can. Efforts do not guarantee support or a more adequate attitude, but often on the contrary – lead to more control and higher requirements.

– What do you think is the reason for this?

– Lack of experience and knowledge of the competent authorities, which should in fact impose another, more cost-effective direction of development.

– Can incompetence be an excuse for the lost time of thousands of breeders who have doomed their lives to something that, at best, gives them an existence on the brink of survival?

– Obviously he can. I have no other explanation for the many misconceptions we have to make…

– Everyone’s been thinking, I’m sure. Perhaps in this respect the unifying role should be played by NARMS and similar structures, which should channel and present where we need our common position and our views for solving each problem.

– Do you have any specific ideas and positions that you want to express?

– Of course, there are many. But I don’t have enough time to think specifically about what and how to do in this direction. Our commitments are so many on a daily basis that we can hardly find time to think about any change…

– What do you plan for the next 5 years as economic development?

– The only investment in which we intend to concentrate is the dairy project, which also includes a slaughterhouse. Once we implement it, we will give ourselves some time to emphasize the optimization of the herd and production in general. Then we will think about it.

– If you go back in time now, will you start this activity again?

– No, definitely!

– What will you wish for the final of your colleagues?

– I wish them great patience and of course success!

– Thank you for your time, and we wish you to close the production cycle soon!

– Thank you very much!